[GTALUG] Raspberry Pi as a desktop or settop computer

CAREY SCHUG sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net
Sun Jun 23 12:58:35 EDT 2024

I liked trackballs in the early days, but those only had 2 buttons and no wheel, so I had to give in and mouse.  

I cannot use a full size mouse, my hand gets too tired.  I can only use a smaller travel mouse, but they are getting harder to find.  

And I learned to turn usage 90 degrees, resting my arm on the desk across in front of me, so up is to my left.  It took a little adjusting, but now is normal.

But, with this conversation, I just ordered a real trackball from ebay, there are many of them there, including usb and with as many buttons as you could want.  Also a few wireless ones

We shall see if it works for me.


> On 06/23/2024 10:03 AM CDT mwilson--- via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 2024-06-22 16:39, Howard Gibson via talk wrote:
> >>     I am typing this on my personal Lenovo laptop running GNU/Linux.
> >> For anything other than a desktop, I find that mice are inferiour to
> >> trackballs.  I strongly prefer mice for mechanical CAD.  In
> >> coffeeshops, in bars, and on the arms of my front porch muskoka
> >> chairs, trackballs do not need table space.
> >>
> >
> > Trackball?  You mean trackpoint, red rubbery button between G, H, B, no?
> No.  Trackball.
> Take an old-fashioned ball mouse, turn it on its back.  Instead of sliding
> the mouse across the desk to move the ball, you  move the ball directly
> with your fingers.
> I'm just on the point of logging in to Staples to get one to use in the
> car.  It can work just sitting on the center console,
> > ---

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