[GTALUG] Old and New Habits...

John Sellens jsellens at syonex.com
Sat Aug 10 22:00:28 EDT 2024

FYI - From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address

    Although the standard requires the local-part to be case-sensitive,[1]
    it also urges that receiving hosts deliver messages in a case-independent
    manner,[2] e.g., that the mail system in the domain example.com treat
    John.Smith as equivalent to john.smith; some mail systems even treat
    them as equivalent to johnsmith. [3]

Reference [3] is to google saying that periods/dots in the local part
are irrelevant.  The wikipedia page cites RFC 5322.

This page https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9807909/are-email-addresses-case-sensitive

    So yes, the part before the "@" could be case-sensitive, since it is
    entirely under the control of the host system. In practice though,
    no widely used mail systems distinguish different addresses based on case.

and cites RFC 1035 for the part to the right of the @ being case-insensitive.

I sympathize with Peter getting gmail not for him, but that likely has
nothing to do with capitalization and periods.  People are just sloppy
and forgetful.

And in Karen's case, it should be the case that karenlewellen at gmail.com
and karen.lewellen at gmail.com are equivalent and interchangeable (except
possibly when signing in to gmail I suppose).  So there may be something
else unexpected that she's experiencing.

Hope that helps!


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