[GTALUG] wired headset suggestions?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Mon Oct 10 18:01:22 EDT 2022

For the record, I will be using this headset with a  2012 macbook pro 
running Catalina.
I have, due to harm risk learned what numbers need to line up, headphones 
or headsets, with my needs differing depending on what I am using and 
to manage the various voice quality, which can be a problem zoom wise, I 
use the mac's own terrific volume control.  since it is system wide as it 
Again  searching the difference between headphone uses and headset ones 
might make my situation more understandable..maybe laughs.
will see what i can learn about scotts,  that is a new brand name for me.

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022, Nicholas Krause via talk wrote:

> On 10/10/22 16:44, Scott Allen via talk wrote:
>>  On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 16:16, Giles Orr via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:
>> >  https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B000UXZQ42/ - Logitech H390
>>  I have the same and like them. The microphone quality for speech is
>>  the best of numerous headsets I have, even quite expensive ones. One
>>  problem I've found, after using them for a few years, is that the thin
>>  "imitation leather" plastic covering the foam on the headband has
>>  started to deteriorate and flake off.
>> >  - the volume control on the chord works well on Mac - not sure if it
>> >  works on Linux although I think it does
>>  Yes, the volume control works with Linux (Ubuntu, at least) although
>>  that's true for all USB and Bluetooth headsets I've tried. The mute
>>  button also works but that is a local function, it doesn't send a
>>  "mute" command over USB, so there's no indication on the computer that
>>  mute has been activated.
> Karen,
> I'm not much help in this part of the market. However, unless mentioned most 
> headphones
> these days are below 32 ohms if not mentioned on packaging. The reason being 
> that most
> amps in laptops or smartphones can at most get reliably 60-70ohms and that's 
> what most
> people are using. I've heard good things about Scott's headphone 
> recommendation through.
> Honestly, I'm really care about specification at some as those aren't that 
> useful. What
> I want depending on the requirements is the internal test frequency chart. 
> That gives me
> a rather good idea of what were looking at. That's just my view through.
> Good luck with your search,
> Nick
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