[GTALUG] a programmer's humour

Gary technologynut at rogers.com
Thu Mar 7 10:04:14 EST 2019

I found this on the web and I split a seam laughing....

  How To Write Unmaintainable Code

<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Esusan/475/index.html>Last updated Thursday, 
18-Nov-1999 20:27:28 PDT by Roedy Green 
<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Esusan/475/index.html#CONTACT> ©1997-1999 
Canadian Mind Products.

In the interests of creating employment opportunities in the Java 
programming field, I am passing on these tips from the masters on how to 
write code that is so difficult to maintain, that the people who come 
after you will take years to make even the simplest changes. Further, if 
you follow all these rules religiously, you will even guarantee 
*yourself* a lifetime of employment, since no one but you has a hope in 
hell of maintaining the code.

    General Principles

To foil the maintenance programmer, you have to understand how he 
thinks. He has your giant program. He has no time to read it all, much 
less understand it. He wants to rapidly find the place to make his 
change, make it and get out and have no unexpected side effects from the 

He views your code through a tube taken from the centre of a roll of 
toilet paper. He can only see a tiny piece of your program at a time. 
You want to make sure he can never get the big picture from doing that. 
You want to make it as hard as possible for him to find the code he is 
looking for. But even more important, you want to make it as awkward as 
possible for him to safely *ignore* anything.

    Specific Techniques

 1. Lie in the comments. You don't have to actively lie, just fail to
    keep comments as up to date with the code.
 2. Pepper the code with comments like /* add 1 to i */ however, never
    document wooly stuff like the overall purpose of the package or method.
 3. Make sure that every method does a little bit more (or less) than
    its name suggests. As a simple example, a method named isValid(x)
    should as a side effect convert x to binary and store the result in
    a database.
 4. Use acronyms to keep the code terse. Real men never define acronyms;
    they understand them genetically.
 5. In the interests of efficiency, avoid encapsulation. Callers of a
    method need all the external clues they can get to remind them how
    the method works inside.
 6. If, for example, you were writing an airline reservation system,
    make sure there are at least 25 places in the code that need to be
    modified if you were to add another airline. Never document where
    they are. People who come after you have no business modifying your
    code without thoroughly understanding every line of it.
 7. In the name of efficiency, use cut/paste/clone/modify. This works
    much faster than using many small reusable modules.
 8. *Never never *put a comment on a variable. Facts about how the
    variable is used, its bounds, its legal values, its
    implied/displayed number of decimal points, its units of measure,
    its display format, its data entry rules (e.g. total fill, must
    enter), when its value can be trusted etc. should be gleaned from
    the procedural code. If your boss forces you to write comments, lard
    method bodies with them, but never comment a variable, not even a
 9. Try to pack as much as possible into a single line. This saves the
    overhead of temporary variables, and makes source files shorter by
    eliminating new line characters and white space. Tip: remove all
    white space around operators. Good programmers can often hit the 255
    character line length limit imposed by some editors. The bonus of
    long lines is that programmers who cannot read 6 point type must
    scroll to view them.
10. Cd wrttn wtht vwls s mch trsr. When using abbreviations inside
    variable or method names, break the boredom with several variants
    for the same word, and even spell it out longhand once in while.
    This helps defeat those lazy bums who use text search to understand
    only some aspect of your program. Consider variant spellings as a
    variant on the ploy, e.g. mixing International /colour/, with
    American /color/ and dude-speak /kulerz/. If you spell out names in
    full, there is only one possible way to spell each name. These are
    too easy for the maintenance programmer to remember. Because there
    are so many different ways to abbreviate a word, with abbreviations,
    you can have several different variables that all have the same
    apparent purpose. As an added bonus, the maintenance programmer
    might not even notice they are separate variables.
11. Never use an automated source code tidier to keep your code aligned.
    Lobby to have them banned them from your company on the grounds they
    create false deltas in PVCS (version control tracking) or that every
    programmer should have his own indenting style held forever
    sacrosanct for any module he wrote. Banning them is quite easy, even
    though they save the millions of keystrokes doing manual alignment
    and days wasted misinterpreting poorly aligned code. Just insist
    that everyone use the *same* tidied format, not just for storing in
    the common repository, but while they are editing. This starts an
    RWAR and the boss, to keep the peace, will ban automated tidying.
    Without automated tidying, you are now free to /accidentally/
    misalign the code to give the optical illusion that bodies of loops
    and ifs are longer or shorter than they really are, or that else
    clauses match a different if than they really do. e.g.

    if (a)
       if (b) x = y;
    else x = z;

12. Never put in any { } surrounding your if/else blocks unless they are
    syntactically obligatory. If you have a deeply nested mixture of
    if/else statements and blocks, especially with misleading
    indentation, you can trip up even an expert maintenance programmer.
13. Rigidly follow the guidelines about no goto, no early returns, and
    no labelled breaks especially when you can increase the if/else
    nesting depth by at least 5 levels.
14. Use very long variable names that differ from each other by only one
    character, or only in upper/lower case. An ideal variable name pair
    is /swimmer/ and /swimner/. Exploit the failure of most fonts to
    clearly discriminate between ilI1| or oO08 with identifier pairs
    like parselnt and parseInt or D0Calc and DOCalc. l is an
    exceptionally fine choice for a variable name since it will, to the
    casual glance, masquerade as the constant 1. Create varible names
    that differ from each other only in case e.g. HashTable and Hashtable.
15. Wherever scope rules permit, reuse existing unrelated variable
    names. Similarly, use the same temporary variable for two unrelated
    purposes (purporting to save stack slots). For a fiendish variant,
    morph the variable, for example, assign a value to a variable at the
    top of a very long method, and then somewhere in the middle, change
    the meaning of the variable in a subtle way, such as converting it
    from a 0-based coordinate to a 1-based coordinate. Be certain not to
    document this change in meaning.
16. Use lower case l to indicate long constants. e.g. 10l is more likely
    to be mistaken for 101 that 10L is.
17. Ignore the conventions in Java for where to use upper case in
    variable and class names i.e. Classes start with upper case,
    variables with lower case, constants are all upper case, with
    internal words capitalised. After all, Sun does (e.g. instanceof vs
    isInstanceOf, Hashtable). Not to worry, the compiler won't even
    issue a warning to give you away. If your boss forces you to use the
    conventions, when there is any doubt about whether an internal word
    should be capitalised, avoid capitalising or make a random choice,
    e.g. use both inputFileName and outputfilename. You can of course
    drive your team members insane by inventing your *own* insanely
    complex naming conventions then berate others for not following
    them. The ultimate technique is to create as many variable names as
    possible that differ subtlely from each other only in case.
18. Never use i for the innermost loop variable. Use anything but. Use i
    liberally for any other purpose especially for non-int variables.
    Similary use n as a loop index.
19. Never use local variables. Whenever you feel the temptation to use
    one, make it into an instance or static variable instead to
    unselfishly share it with all the other methods of the class. This
    will save you work later when other methods need similar
    declarations. C++ programmers can go a step further by making all
    variables global.
20. Never document gotchas in the code. If you suspect there may be a
    bug in a class, keep it to yourself. If you have ideas about how the
    code should be reorganised or rewritten, for heaven's sake, do not
    write them down. Remember the words of Thumper /"If you can't say
    anything nice, don't say anything at all"/. What if the programmer
    who wrote that code saw your comments? What if the owner of the
    company saw them? What if a customer did? You could get yourself fired.
21. To break the boredom, use a thesaurus to look up as much alternate
    vocabulary as possible to refer to the same action, e.g. /display/,
    /show/, /present/. Vaguely hint there is some subtle difference,
    where none exists. However, if there are two similar functions that
    have a crucial difference, always use the same word in describing
    both functions (e.g. /print/ to mean write to a file, and to a print
    on a laser, and to display on the screen). Under no circumstances,
    succumb to demands to write a glossary with the special purpose
    project vocabulary unambiguously defined. Doing so would be
    unprofessional breach of the structured design principle of
    /information hiding./
22. In naming functions, make heavy use of abstract words like /it/,
    /everything/, /data/, /handle/, /stuff/, /do/, /routine/, /perform/
    and the digits e.g. routineX48, PerformDataFunction, DoIt,
    HandleStuff and do_args_method.
23. In Java, all primitives passed as parameters are effectively
    read-only because they are passed by value. The callee can modify
    the parameters, but that has no effect on the caller's variables. In
    contrast all objects passed are read-write. The reference is passed
    by value, which means the object itself is effectively passed by
    reference. The callee can do whatever it wants to the fields in your
    object. Never document whether a method actually modifies the fields
    in each of the passed parameters. Name your methods to suggest they
    only look at the fields when they actually change them.
24. Never document the units of measure of any variable, input, output
    or parameter. e.g. feet, metres, cartons. This is not so important
    in bean counting, but it is very important in engineering work. As a
    corollary, never document the units of measure of any conversion
    constants, or how the values were derived. It is mild cheating, but
    very effective, to salt the code with some incorrect units of
    measure in the comments. If you are feeling particularly malicious,
    make up your *own* unit of measure; name it after yourself or some
    obscure person and never define it. If somebody challenges you, tell
    them you did so that you could use integer rather than floating
    point arithmetic.
25. In engineering work there are two ways to code. One is to convert
    all inputs to S.I. (metric) units of measure, then do your
    calculations then convert back to various civil units of measure for
    output. The other is to maintain the various mixed measure systems
    throughout. Always choose the second. It's the American way!
26. I am going to let you in on a little-known coding secret. Exceptions
    are a pain in the behind. Properly-written code never fails, so
    exceptions are actually unnecessary. Don't waste time on them.
    Subclassing exceptions is for incompetents who know their code will
    fail. You can greatly simplify your program by having only a single
    try/catch in the entire application (in main) that calls
    System.exit(). Just stick a perfectly standard set of throws on
    every method header whether they could throw any exceptions or not.
27. C compilers transform myArray[i] into *(myArray + i), which is
    equivalent to *(i + myArray) which is equivalent to i[myArray].
    Experts know to put this to good use. Unfortunately, this technique
    can only be used in native classes.
28. If you have an array with 100 elements in it, hard code the literal
    100 in as many places in the program as possible. Never use a static
    final named constant for the 100, or refer to it as myArray.length.
    To make changing this constant even more difficult, use the literal
    50 instead of 100/2, or 99 instead of 100-1. You can futher disguise
    the 100 by checking for a == 101 instead of a > 100 or a > 99
    instead of a >= 100.

    Consider things like page sizes, where the lines consisting of x
    header, y body, and z footer lines, you can apply the obfuscations
    independently to each of these *and* to their partial or total sums.

    These time-honoured techniques are especially effective in a program
    with two unrelated arrays that just accidentally happen to both have
    100 elements. There are even more fiendish variants. To lull the
    maintenance programmer into a false sense of security, dutifully
    create the named constant, but very occasionally /"accidentally"/
    use the literal 100 value instead of the named constant. Most
    fiendish of all, in place of the literal 100 or the correct named
    constant, sporadically use some other unrelated named constant that
    just accidentally happens to have the value 100, for now. It almost
    goes without saying that you should avoid any consistent naming
    scheme that would associate an array name with its size constant.

29. Eschew any form of table-driven logic. It starts out innocently
    enough, but soon leads to end users proofreading and then /shudder/,
    even modifying the tables for themselves.
30. Nest as deeply as you can. Good coders can get up to 10 levels of (
    ) on a single line and 20 { } in a single method. C++ coders have
    the additional powerful option of preprocessor nesting totally
    independent of the nest structure of the underlying code. You earn
    extra Brownie points whenever the beginning and end of a block
    appear on separate pages in a printed listing. Wherever possible,
    convert nested ifs into nested [? :] ternaries.
31. Join a computer book of the month club. Select authors who appear to
    be too busy writing books to have had any time to actually write any
    code themselves. Browse the local bookstore for titles with lots of
    cloud diagrams in them and no coding examples. Skim these books to
    learn obscure pedantic words you can use to intimidate the
    whippersnappers that come after you. Your code should impress. If
    people can't understand your vocabulary, they must assume that you
    are very intelligent and that your algorithms are very deep. Avoid
    any sort of homely analogies in your algorithm explanations.
32. Make "improvements" to your code often, and force users to upgrade
    often - after all, no one wants to be running an outdated version.
    Just because they think they're happy with the program as it is,
    just think how much happier they will be after you've "fixed" it!
    Don't tell anyone what the differences between versions are unless
    you are forced to - after all, why tell someone about bugs in the
    old version they might never have noticed otherwise?
33. The About Box should contain only the name of the program, the names
    of the coders and a copyright notice written in legalese. Ideally it
    should link to several megs of code that produce an entertaining
    animated display. However, it should *never* contain a description
    of what the program is for, its minor version number, or the date of
    the most recent code revision, or the website where to get the
    updates, or the author's email address. This way all the users will
    soon all be running on different versions, and will attempt to
    install version N+2 before installing version N+1.
34. The more changes you can make between versions the better, you don't
    want users to become bored with the same old API or user interface
    year after year. Finally, if you can make this change without the
    users noticing, this is better still - it will keep them on their
    toes, and keep them from becoming complacent.
35. If you have to write classes for some other programmer to use, put
    environment-checking code (getenv() in C++ / System.getProperty() in
    Java) in your classes' nameless static initializers, and pass all
    your arguments to the classes this way, rather than in the
    constructor methods. The advantage is that the initializer methods
    get called as soon as the class program binaries get /loaded/, even
    before any of the classes get instantiated, so they will usually get
    executed before the program main(). In other words, there will be no
    way for the rest of the program to modify these parameters before
    they get read into your classes - the users better have set up all
    their environment variables just the way you had them!
36. Choose your variable names to have absolutely no relation to the
    labels used when such variables are displayed on the screen. E.g. on
    the screen label the field /"Postal Code"/ but in the code call the
    associated variable /"zip"/.
37. Java lets you create methods that have the same name as the class,
    but that are not constructors. Exploit this to sow confusion.
38. Never use layouts. That way when the maintenance programmer adds one
    more field he will have to manually adjust the absolute co-ordinates
    of every other thing displayed on the screen. If your boss forces
    you to use a layout, use a single giant GridBagLayout, and hard code
    in absolute grid co-ordinates.
39. In Java, disdain the interface. If your supervisors complain, tell
    them that Java interfaces force you to "cut-and-paste" code between
    different classes that implement the same interface the same way,
    and they /know/ how hard that would be to maintain. Instead, do as
    the Java AWT designers did - put lots of functionality in your
    classes that can only be used by classes that inherit from them, and
    use lots of "instanceof" checks in your methods. This way, if
    someone wants to reuse your code, they have to extend your classes.
    If they want to reuse your code from two different classes - tough
    luck, they can't extend both of them at once!
40. Make all of your leaf classes final. After all, /you're/ done with
    the project - certainly no one else could possibly improve on your
    work by extending your classes. And it might even be a security flaw
    - after all, isn't java.lang.String final for just this reason? If
    other coders in your project complain, tell them about the execution
    speed improvement you're getting.
41. Make as many of your variables as possible static. If /you/ don't
    need more than one instance of the class in this program, no one
    else ever will either. Again, if other coders in the project
    complain, tell them about the execution speed improvement you're
42. Keep all of your unused and outdated methods and variables around in
    your code. After all - if you needed to use it once in 1976, who
    knows if you will want to use it again sometime? Sure the program's
    changed since then, but it might just as easily change back, you
    "don't want to have to reinvent the wheel" (supervisors love talk
    like that). If you have left the comments on those methods and
    variables untouched, and sufficiently cryptic, anyone maintaining
    the code will be too scared to touch them.
43. On a method called /makeSnafucated /insert only the comment /* make
    snafucated */. Never define what /snafucated /means */anywhere/*.
    Only a fool does not already know, with complete certainty, what
    /snafucated/ means.
44. Reverse the parameters on a method called drawRectangle(height,
    width) to drawRectangle(width, height) without making any change
    whatsoever to the name of the method. Then a few releases later,
    reverse it back again. The maintenance programmers can't tell by
    quickly looking at any call if it has been adjusted yet.
    Generalisations are left as an exercise for the reader.
45. Instead of using a parameters to a single method, create as many
    separate methods as you can. For example instead of setAlignment(int
    alignment) where alignment is an enumerated constant, for left,
    right, center, create three methods: setLeftAlignment,
    setRightAlignment, and setCenterAlignment. Of course, for the full
    effect, you must clone the common logic to make it hard to keep in sync.
46. The /Kama Sutra/ technique has the added advantage of driving any
    users or documenters of the package to distraction as well as the
    maintenance programmers. Create a dozen overloaded variants of the
    same method that differ in only the most minute detail. I think it
    was Oscar Wilde who observed that positions 47 and 115 of the Kama
    Sutra were the same except in 115 the woman had her fingers crossed.
    Users of the package then have to carefully peruse the long list of
    methods to figure out just which variant to use. The technique also
    balloons the documentation and thus ensures it will more likely be
    out of date. If the boss asks why you are doing this, explain it is
    solely for the convenience of the users. Again for the full effect,
    clone any common logic.
47. Declare every method and variable public. After all, somebody,
    sometime might want to use it. Once a method has been declared
    public, it can't very well be retracted, now can it? This makes it
    very difficult to later change the way anything works under the
    covers. It also has the delightful side effect of obscuring what a
    class is for. If the boss asks if you are out of your mind, tell him
    you are following the classic principles of transparent interfaces.
48. In C++, overload library functions by using #define. That way it
    looks like you are using a familiar library function where in
    actuality you are using something totally different.
49. In C++, overload +,-,*,/ to do things totally unrelated to addition,
    subtraction etc. After all, if the Stroustroup can use the shift
    operator to do I/O, why should you not be equally creative? If you
    overload +, make sure you do it in a way that i = i + 5; has a
    totally different meaning from i += 5;
50. When documenting, and you need an arbitrary name to represent a
    filename use /"file"/. Never use an obviously arbitrary name like
    /"Charlie.dat"/ or /"Frodo.txt"/. In general, in your examples, use
    arbitrary names that sound as much like reserved keywords as
    possible. For example, good names for parameters or variables would
    be: /"bank"/, /"blank"/, /"class"/, /"const"/, /"constant"/,
    /"input"/, /"key"/, /"keyword"/, /"kind"/, /"output"/,
    /"parameter""parm"/, /"system"/, /"type"/, /"value"/, /"var"/ and
    /"variable"/. If you use actual reserved words for your arbitrary
    names, which would be rejected by your command processor or
    compiler, so much the better. If you do this well, the users will be
    hopelessly confused between reserved keywords and arbitrary names in
    your example, but you can look innocent, claiming you did it to help
    them associate the appropriate purpose with each variable.
51. Always document your command syntax with your own, unique,
    undocumented brand of BNF notation. Never explain the syntax by
    providing a suite of annotated sample valid and invalid commands.
    That would demonstrate a complete lack of academic rigour. Railway
    diagrams are almost as gauche. Make sure there is no obvious way of
    telling a terminal symbol (something you would actually type) from
    an intermediate one -- something that represents a phrase in the
    syntax. Never use typeface, colour, caps, or any other visual clues
    to help the reader distinguish the two. Use the exact same
    punctuation glyphs in your BNF notation that you use in the command
    language itself, so the reader can never tell if a (...), [...],
    {...} or "..." is something you actually type as part of the
    command, or is intended to give clues about which syntax elements
    are obligatory, repeatable or optional in your BNF notation. After
    all, if they are too stupid to figure out your variant of BNF, they
    have no business using your program.
52. The macro preprocessor offers great opportunities for obfuscation.
    The key technique is to nest macro expansions several layers deep so
    that you have to discover all the various parts in many different
    *.hpp files. Placing executable code into macros then including
    those macros in every *.cpp file (even those that never use those
    macros) will maximize the amount of recompilation necessary if ever
    that code changes.
53. Java is schizophrenic about array declarations. You can do them the
    old C, way String x[], (which uses mixed pre-postfix notation) or
    the new way String[] x, which uses pure prefix notation. If you want
    to really confuse people, mix the notations: e.g.
        byte*[]* rowvector*,* colvector*,* matrix*[]*; which is equivalent to:
        byte*[]* rowvector;
        byte*[]* colvector;
        byte*[][]* matrix; Java offers great opportunity for obfuscation whenever you have to
54. convert. As a simple example, if you have to convert a double to a
    String, go circuitously, via Double with new Double(d).toString
    rather than the more direct Double.toString(d). You can, of course,
    be far more circuitous than that! Avoid any conversion techniques
    recommended by the Conversion Amanuensis
    <https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Esusan/475/ConverterNative.html>. You
    get bonus points for every extra temporary object you leave
    littering the heap after your conversion.
55. Use threads with abandon.


The people who design languages are the people who write the compilers 
and system classes. Quite naturally they design to make their work easy 
and mathematically elegant. However, there are 10,000 maintenance 
programmers to every compiler writer. The grunt maintenance programmers 
have absolutely no say in the design of languages. Yet the total amount 
of code they write dwarfs the code in the compilers.

An example of the result of this sort of elitist thinking is the JDBC 
interface. It makes life easy for the JDBC implementor, but a nightmare 
for the maintenance programmer. It is far *clumsier* than the Fortran 
interface that came out with SQL three decades ago.

Maintenance programmers, if somebody ever consulted them, would demand 
ways to hide the housekeeping details so they could see the forest for 
the trees. They would demand all sorts of shortcuts so they would not 
have to type so much and so they could see more of the program at once 
on the screen. They would complain loudly about the myriad petty 
time-wasting tasks the compilers demand of them.

There are some efforts in this direction: NetRexx 
<http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/netrexx/>, Bali 
<https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Esusan/475/bali.html>, and visual editors 
(e.g. IBM's Visual Age is a start) that can collapse detail irrelevant 
to the current purpose.

    The Shoemaker Has No Shoes

Imagine having an accountant as a client who insisted on maintaining his 
general ledgers using a word processor. You would do you best to 
persuade him that his data should be structured. He needs validation 
with cross field checks. You would persuade him he could do so much more 
with that data when stored in a database, including controlled 
simultaneous update.

Imagine taking on a software developer as a client. He insists on 
maintaining all his data with a text editor. He is not yet even 
exploiting the word processor's colour, type size or fonts.

Think of what might happen if we started storing source code as 
structured data. We could view the *same* source code in many alternate 
ways, e.g. as Java, as NextRex, as a decision table, as a flow chart, as 
a loop structure skeleton (with the detail stripped off), as Java with 
various levels of detail or comments removed, as Java with highlights on 
the variables and method invocations of current interest, or as Java 
with generated comments about argument names and/or types. We could 
display complex arithmetic expressions in 2D, the way TeX and 
mathematicians do. You could see code with additional or fewer 
parentheses, (depending on how comfortable you feel with the precedence 
rules ). Parenthesis nests could use varying size and colour to help 
matching by eye. With changes as transparent overlay sets that you can 
optionally remove or apply, you could watch in real time as other 
programmers on your team, working in a different country, modified code 
in classes that you were working on too.

You could use the full colour abilities of the modern screen to give 
subliminal clues, e.g. by automatically assigning a portion of the 
spectrum to each package/class using a pastel shades as the backgrounds 
to any references to methods or variables of that class. You could bold 
face the definition of any identifier to make it stand out.

You could ask what methods/constructors will produce an object of type 
X? What methods will accept an object of type X as a parameter? What 
variables are accessible in this point in the code? By clicking on a 
method invocation or variable reference, you could see its definition, 
helping sort out which version of a given method will actually be 
invoked. You could ask to globally visit all references to a given 
method or variable, and tick them off once each was dealt with. You 
could do quite a bit of code writing by point and click.

Some of these ideas would not pan out. But the best way to find out 
which would be valuable in practice is to try them. Once we had the 
basic tool, we could experiment with hundreds of similar ideas to make 
like easier for the maintenance programmer.

I discuss this further under SCID and in the SCID student project 

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