[GTALUG] LinuxCon and ContainerCon in Toronto, August 22-24

Giles Orr gilesorr at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 08:53:34 EDT 2016

On 21 June 2016 at 17:52, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:
> <http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/containercon/attend/register>
> I just noticed (or re-noticed) that this is local.
> But the registration price  (now US$950) means I won't be going.
> Microsoft is a Diamond Sponsor.  At that price, why do they need sponsors?

I suspect a very large percentage of the attendees will do so on
memberships paid by their companies - it's how I attend most
conferences, and at this point Linux is so heavily used on servers
that many companies can justify sending dozens of programmers and
sysadmins.  And then there are companies like RedHat, whose sole
business is Linux - I expect they'll send a few people, as will other
companies like them.  But there was also a way to get in free ... I
applied to be a speaker.  And rather to my surprise (and terror), I
was accepted.  I'd love the support of any attending TLUG members, but
if you saw my last talk at TLUG on Vim, I'm doing pretty much the same
thing again so you might want to skip it.

gilesorr at gmail.com

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