Intel SandyBridge... I don't get it.
D. Hugh Redelmeier
hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Jan 28 15:40:41 UTC 2011
| From: Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>
| Most OTA (Over The Air) analogue broadcasts are shutting down in
| Canada as of August 31 this year, barring last minute delays like they
| had in the USA. Analog stations...
I don't get any OTA signals -- I'm in a deep valley (Hogg's Hollow).
Perhaps half of my analogue cards can do ATSC including Clear QAM.
Unfortunately, Rogers encrypts all QAM.
I'm hoping Rogers doesn't drop analogue on cable. The CRTC has a
policy that cable companies can drop analogue on cable once a
certain threshold of digital STB penetration is reached. I don't
remember the threshold but I wouldn't know the penetration rate
| Once you see it, you'll never want to go back to
| analogue.
I actually like bad analogue better than bad digital.
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