Semi-OT: Go Daddy and SOPA

Neil Watson tlug-neil-8agRmHhQ+n2CxnSzwYWP7Q at
Fri Dec 23 15:06:00 UTC 2011

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 09:59:12AM -0500, Christopher Browne wrote:
>And there's a different "public policy" that can happen, then.
>Supposing all the services worried about SOPA jump over to .ch and
>.ru, that might give US legislators a premise to block them.  Not a
>*certain* policy change, but it should be appreciated that they are
>not incapable of noticing and reacting to such changes.

In response to this have mirrors in two dozen country TLD's.  Unless
enough countries are prepared to shut down a significant part of the
Internet the US and other SOPA participants are wasting tax dollars on a
shell game.

Neil Watson
Linux/UNIX Consultant
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