Help with plug and play - USB Webcam conflicts with Tv Tuner

Kevin Cozens kevin-4dS5u2o1hCn3fQ9qLvQP4Q at
Sun Mar 28 22:13:41 UTC 2010

TeeCee wrote:
> The problem is, now my friend has purchased a web cam. Plugging the cam 
> into a running computer, it is
> found as /dev/video1, and it does not conflict with the MSI device. 
> However, rebooting with the camera attached
> causes problems.

I had a similar problem with my PVR-150 tuner card and the web cam. One 
device would come up as video0 and the other as video1 but it was a coin 
toss as to which device node each of the hardware devices would get. If 
they came up in the wrong order, MythTV couldn't access the tuner card.

My camera is always attached even though I don't tend to use it. It just 
saves me from having to crawl around on the floor so I can access the 
back of the machine to plug-in the web cam.

I solved the problem by blacklisting the ivtv module (the one needed by 
the video card) so the webcam driver would always be loaded first. The 
ivtv drivers get loaded automatically when the MythTV back-end starts. 
The webcam and TV tuner card are now living in harmony with each other.
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