Help with plug and play - USB Webcam conflicts with Tv Tuner

TeeCee teecee-3xpccZqdWRo7lZ9V/NTDHw at
Sun Mar 28 19:41:28 UTC 2010

HI, I'm helping a friend with configuring an Ubuntu install. The 
default kernel has taken care of most things.
His Brother Multifunction Printer/Scanner was supported on the web, the 
MSI TV tuner card worked from the
get go. This card was 5 years old and had a dongle to connect to a 
sound card. It was not needed, I got
sound by piping tvtime through arecord and  aplay. Even the IR remote 
works, to an extent, apparently
without lirc installed.

The problem is, now my friend has purchased a web cam. Plugging the cam 
into a running computer, it is
found as /dev/video1, and it does not conflict with the MSI device. 
However, rebooting with the camera attached
causes problems. Tvtime has assigned its video input to camera1 and you 
cannot change it with the app. Nor
can you close tvtimes terminal, even if I run it from a tty ctrl-c 
kills itself but leaves the tvtime window.

I guess my question is how can I bind this web cam to /dev/video1, 
assuming I'm leaving the camera plugged
in all the time?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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