Affordable video capturing card

Colin McGregor colin.mc151-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Oct 29 15:59:37 UTC 2009

On 10/29/09, jing < at> wrote:


> Yet another example of how Canadians get screwed.  The US, AFAIK, has
> mandated that consumers be able to use a digital decryption card to
> port their equipment around (like SIM cards on unlocked phones).  Such
> a feature is not available in Canada.  So if you buy a Rogers digital
> box here in Ontario, you can't use it in Quebec or BC, and vice versa.

Two differences between the US and Canada. First, in the US they are
required to offer the local over the air digital channels unencrypted
(they can encrypt the "premium" channels, like the movie channels to
their hearts content (and yes, they typically do encrypt everything
they can get away with ... :-( )).

Second, the MythTV mailing list has carried quite a few stories from
Americans who have had to fight with their cable company regarding
getting a CableCARD... Yes, they are required to offer it, but many do
their best to make it close to impossible to get...

Bottom line, no bed of roses in the US, but they are better off than we are...


> I'm not sure if Rogers is even willing to give a decryption card if
> you import a digital box from elsewhere.
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