DSL service [was Re:TLUG Mail list archives?]

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at public.gmane.org
Tue Jun 12 15:49:42 UTC 2007

I'm actually finding Rogers customer service to be improving.

I recently switched smartphones, and the new one supports WiFi. That
allows me to surf and check email -- and even use Skype! -- at hotspots
without using Rogers' overpriced data service.

Given this intended use, it was a bit of a surprise to find a charge of
$200 for data usage on my first bill with the new phone. Fifteen minutes
later (nothing irate, politeness all around) the charge was reversed, I
got an apology, and the mechanisms are in place to prevent it from
happening again.

I even recall they helped me through a different cablemodem problem some
weeks back, knowing that I had Linux on the other end. The tech said "we
don't officially support Linux but I think this should work"... and it did.

By comparison, I find myself surprised that Bell service, as much as it
has teed me off in the past, continues to deteriorate.

- Evan

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