Chris Aitken
chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at public.gmane.org
Tue Dec 11 23:06:41 UTC 2007
James Knott wrote:
> chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at public.gmane.org wrote:
>> James Knott writes:
>> <snip>
>>> I assume you're using DHCP. Is there any reason you can't assign a
>>> dedicated IP address to that computer's MAC address?
>> Wouldn't that mean I can't have a LAN address as well? We have on
>> eprinter attached to one computer and the other three computers need
>> to print to it.
> Judging from the other messages, it's hard to see what it is you want.
> I assume you want both a local lan address as well as one assigned by
> an ISP. Is that correct?
If so, you need 2 addresses, the 2nd being an "alias".
IIRC, if you want both a static and DHCP address on a NIC, only the
alias can have a DHCP address.
As someone else mentioned, you cannot have two addresses on the same
subnet assigned to the NIC. A little more detail about what precisely
you're trying to do would help, instead of trying to guess what you're
Okay. I gave a verbal diagram in another email. Here it is so you have
it handy:
I have four computers:
cpc (connected by usb to a printer which is shared) runs ubuntu 7.10,
ppc (fedora core 4),
dpc (ubuntu 7.10), and
bpc (fedora 7)
All four computers are attached to a router. The router is attached to
the cable modem. The cable modem is attached to, well, the Internet.
That's it. ppc, ppc, and bpc all print (vian cups) to cpc's printer.
Just so we're clear, I'm okay now - I mean I am printing to the remote
printer and all computers are on the Internet. Lennart is still
concerned as my /etc/network/interfaces is "working" it is a bit funky.
Maybe, the next cable modem reboot, or computer reboot I'll have trouble
because of this crazy /etc/network/interfaces file (on cpc by the way).
dpc is the next computer I want to configure with a local address so it
can print to cpc's printer. Interestingly, it has no entry whatsoever in
/etc/network/interfaces for dhcp-assigned connection though it is
happily on the Internet as we write. It seems to truly be getting it's
address from the cable modem (and through the router) with no help from
any configuration file.
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