gtkpod on ubuntu

Chris Aitken chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at
Tue Dec 11 12:01:57 UTC 2007

JoeHill wrote:

>chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at wrote: 
>>Jamon Camisso writes: 
>>>On December 10, 2007 06:44:53 pm chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at wrote:  
>>>>JoeHill writes:  
>>>>>chris-n/jUll39koHNgV/OU4+dkA at wrote:  
>>>>>>I don't know whether I'm supposed to go through the whole svn
>>>>>>installation of libgpod (and the other stuff that I did that I
>>>>>>can't retrace until I re-install Thunderbird on and load the saved
>>>>>>mail file from backup) or if the process will be different on
>>>>>Told ya it wouldn't be long, just saw this on #gtkpod :-)
>>>>>Add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
>>>>>deb gutsy main
>>>>>sudo apt-get update
>>>>>then install libgpod3 and gtkpod, you should be golden.   
>>>>Okay, I did all of that. The songs that are on the iPod are showing
>>>>up in gtkpod, but trying to save an .ogg to the iPod I get: 
>>>>Conversion of Track2 failed:
>>>>'/usr/share/gtkpod/scripts/' returned exit status
>>>>Am I still missing some library or whatnot? I'm suing ubuntu 7.10.  
>>>I sent a message about installing vorbis-tools, which provides the 
>>>oggdec binary, which if missing, will throw that "exit status 4" error. 
>>>Try running "which oggdec" and if it does not find anything, install the 
>>>vorbis-tools package.  
>>Yeah, I installed that before I got the error. apt-get install vorbis-tools. 
>>Funny you should mention that. I actually installed it to support an 
>>application called audio-convert.That app is working for me. I noticed that 
>>gtkpod does not have the iPod that is mine - it was called iPod nano 4 GB 
>>video (or close to that) when we did the svn installs (et al) on the fedora 
>>7 machine (before the hard drive died). I probably have to do all that svn 
>>stuff again - no? 
>No, if you installed the gtkpod and libgpod from the ppa repo, that should do
>it. The only thing missing from the libgpod you installed is the ability to get
>the firewire ID of the Nano. You will need to do it manually, but it's not that
>difficult. From the libgpod README.sysinfo:
>"The 2nd method requires more manual intervention. First, you need to get your
>firewire id manually. To do that, run "sudo lsusb -v | grep -i Serial" (without
>the "") with your iPod plugged in, this should print a 16 character long string
>like 00A1234567891231. For an iPod Touch, this number will be much longer than
>16 characters, the firewire ID is constituted by the first 16 characters.
>Once you have that number, create/edit /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Device/SysInfo 
>(if your iPod is mounted at /mnt/ipod). Add to that file the line below:
>FirewireGuid: 0xffffffffffffffff
>(replace ffffffffffffffff with the string you obtained at the previous step
>and don't forget the trailing 0x before the string)
>Save that file, and you should be all set. Be careful when using apps which 
>lets you manually specify which iPod model you own, they may overwrite that 
>file when you do that. So if after doing that libgpod still seems to write 
>invalid content to the iPod, double-check the content of that SysInfo file to
>make sure the FirewireGuid line you added isn't gone. If that happens, readd it
>to the end of the file, and make sure libgpod rewrite the iPod content."
Okay, so I skip (below) most of what I did on the fedora 7 box and skip 
to the last line? IO just don't want to put you guys through 
what's-my-next-step hell again.


a. remove the RPM's for gtkpod and libgpod.

I installed libmp4v2-devel with yum install libmp4v2-devel (so that gtkpod is built with support for...well, mp4).

I did this as root.

1. Grab libgpod svn:

svn co libgpod

**Important** read the README.sysinfo file and follow the instructions.


...then build and install the usual way* (I used ./configure --prefix=/usr)

2. Grab gtkpod svn:

svn co gtkpod

...and build and install the usual way.

* run './', then './configure prefix=/usr', then 'make', then 'su' and
'make install'.

Autogen and configure will check to see if you have the necessary bits to build
the software. If you don't, it will usually tell you exactly what you need to
install. This can be...frustrating...on non-Debian systems, but it's not that
bad. I used to just keep my package manager open while I was building stuff, so
that if the ./configure script complained about missing libblahblah I could
just jump over and install the -devel package. The good thing is, once you've
got it working, you can 'svn up' whenever a new feature is added to gtkpod or

What I've done:

delete libgpod directory and contents with rm -Rf /home/chris/libgpod

run (as root?): 
svn co libgpo

[chris] cd libgpod
./configure –prefix=/usr
make install

run (as root?) 
svn co gtkpod

[chris] cd gtkpod
./ [this complained that I don't have gtk+-2.0]

I tried to install gtk with yum install gtk+-2.0 but msg is 'nothing to install'

./configure prefix=/usr [also complained that I don't have gtk+-2.0]

make [make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.]

wants dependency 'libgnomecavas-2.0'
yum install libgnomecavas-2.0 didn't work
yum install libgnomecanvas
yum install libgnomecanvas-devel

yum install libidtag3-devel
tried the build again

yum install libgsutils (no such package)
yum install libgsutils-devel (no such package)

yum install sg3_utils-devel wokred and it brought sg3_utils-libs with it.

Build lidgpod again.

Follow instructons in libgpod/README.SysInfo to get iPod firewire ID into /media/IPOD/iPod_Control/Device/Sysinfo file

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