Plone Foundation Seeking Google Summer of Code Student Applicants

CLIFFORD ILKAY clifford_ilkay-biY6FKoJMRdBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Sat May 6 02:07:15 UTC 2006

I am posting this on behalf of Martin Aspeli who does not subscribe to 
this list. Please do not respond to this message on this list or to 
me. Contact information is contained below.

The only LUG mailing list to which I subscribe is this one so if you 
subscribe to other LUG lists or know other places where you can reach 
students, by all means, please forward this message.


The scoop

The Plone Foundation is a mentoring organisation in Google's Summer of 
Code 2006. 

STUDENTS - you can get a stipend of US$4,500 to work on cool Plone 

That's right, $4,500 in your pocket, a detailed evaluation of your 
work that's guaranteed to be read by Google, personalised mentoring 
by core Plone members, and the knowledge that you are helping the 
Plone community evolve and grow.

The deadline for student applications is Monday, May 8th at 5pm, 
Pacific Standard Time.

What could I be doing?

We want you to work on something that interests you, and something 
that can benefit the Plone community. We have grouped a number of 
PLIPs (Plone Improvement Proposals) together here - all of these are 
potential projects:

More details, and more ideas can be found here:


Some highlights include a Zope3-ready transforms engine, better 
support for tagging and personal annotations, content visualisation, 
improved large file handling and Office document integration and 
better inbound and outbound syndication support. If you think you 
have a great idea that's not on the lists above, we'd love to hear 
about it as well.

There is a mailing list for further support, to which you can 
subscribe at: <>.

How does it work?

Please refer to <> for the 

o You must be a student enrolled in full-time education (undergrad, 
Masters, PhD) on May 8th 2006, and you need to be eligible to work in 
the country where you reside (so that Google can legally pay you).

o You must submit the application THIS WEEKEND. You can submit several 
applications, but you will only be accepted for one. From the FAQ:

"""Your application should include the following: your project 
proposal, why you'd like to execute on this particular project, and 
the reason you're the best individual to do so. Your proposal should 
also include details of your academic, industry, and/or open source 
development experience, and other details as you see fit. An 
explanation of your development methodology is a good idea, as well. 
We've included a template on the application screen to help you 
prepare your abstract. Only use this template if it is helpful to 

o You sign up here: <>.

o Once your application is submitted, we have until May 22nd to review 
your application, and assign a mentor to you if the application is 

o There is a mid-term review, accompanied by part of your payment, by 
the end of June, and a final payment and review by September 5th.

We realise this is short notice, but that's the way it works 
sometimes. We would STRONGLY encourage you to submit an application 
now, and let us know about any special circumstances that we may need 
to take into consideration. We are here to work with you, to help you 
through the process, and to ensure you get the most out of the 
learning experience.

o If you need to talk to someone about your application, please either 
email me at <optilude-hi6Y0CQ0nG0 at>, or (preferably) the Google-SoC Plone 
list <> and we will 
help you as much as we can.

Is this for me?

o You don't have to be a Plone guru to participate! This is a chance 
to learn and grow in the community.

o If your code is good and addresses a common need, it may well become 
part of the core Plone distribution or a "blessed" add-on product. 
The existing contributors can attest that this gives you a great deal 
of respect, and future opportunities.

o You should probably know how to program ... and be willing to do so 
in Python. Note that Python is very easy to learn if you know other 

o Above all, you must be bright, enthusiastic and treat this 
opportunity responsibly. Google do not want their money squandered, 
but they are all too happy to fund students with a genuine interest 
in open source and a strong desire to learn, grow and contribute. If 
you show that you are serious, the Plone community will give you all 
the support you need.

o Existing Plone contributors who are students are welcome to submit 
proposals as well!
Martin Aspeli
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
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