GPG Key Signing
Evan Leibovitch
evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Mon Jul 24 03:43:28 UTC 2006
Jamon Camisso wrote:
> Elsewhere, Evan meet David, David meet Evan :)
Too late, already introduced. And Linuxcaffe is the home to the Drupal
UG meetings.
> But really, what can we setup as a more permanent signing location/person?
It's my hope that the event that Christopher is suggesting does happen
and, as I said, I'll do what I can to help. If we plan it enough in
advance, we can get publicity in mainstream IT media as well as a number
of internet event sites.
My suggestion, to get the biggest "bang" for the event, would be to
combine the mechanics of signing and assurance with optional education
on the issue (some topics could be as basic as "what is a cert" or
"what are the benefits of signing and how do you do it" and "who do you
trust"). This complements the mundane mechanical bits of signing keys,
creating certificates, assuring people and adding them to webs of trust.
I believe that there is a large IT mainstream out there that is
concerned about security, that is being sold overpriced (and
deliberately obscured) bills of goods by Thawte and Verisign resellers.
The knowledge that the software (such as GNUPG), the signings and even
the certificates themselves can be had at no cost can be a very
attractive draw that can bring new people to (and new awareness of)
GTALUG and open source in general.
If this event succeeds (by some TBD metric of success), I would suggest
making this a recurring but not-too-frequent thing at Linuxcaffe. The
only problem there is (at least from what I recall) it's difficult to do
formal presentations there without getting in the way of regular
clientele. Also, I'm hesitant to suggest ongoing plans until we can
demonstrate that a single event can succeed.
- Evan
The Toronto Linux Users Group. Meetings:
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