Note to Sympatico One Bill customers

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sun Jul 16 16:16:55 UTC 2006

James Knott wrote:
> Alex Beamish wrote:
>> And finally, a question: What kind of fallback do the TLUG members have
>> for their Internet connection? I know I've been able to use Sympatico
>> dial-up when my digital modem has died .. I still have a 56K dial-up
>> modem. Because I use it so rarely I haven't had to set my machine up as
>> a DHCP server and web proxy, but could that if necessary. I'm just
>> wondering if I can subscribe to a dial-up service that I can use in an
>> emergency like the one I just had.
> I use G3 Telecom.  I have the $4.95/15 hour plan, for when I want to use
> dial up, to connect my notebook to my home network.  Prior to this, I
> had my own PPP dial up connection, on my home computer.
> Incidentally, during that big power failure a couple of years back, I
> really had to rough it, relying on that connection for all my internet
> access, at least until the notebook battery died.

I forgot to mention this, from their FAQ:

"How do I use G3's Internet Service?

 Your need a modem-equipped computer to access our Internet service. We
provide detailed setup instructions for setting up our Internet service
on computers that runs Microsoft Windows (95 or later). For Linux
computers we recommend following the PPP How-To, included with most
distributions. For other computers, please refer to your documentation
for details."

So, as you can see, they're not afraid of Linux.
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