Linux World Canada Show, April 24-26, 2006

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Fri Feb 3 21:45:32 UTC 2006

Colin McGregor wrote:

>Ok, so the one item that seemed to strike a nerve on
>this list was giving away CDs at the Linux World
>Canada Show.
It wasn't so much striking a nerve, as people trying to figure out how 
to give booth visitors a "takeaway" without incurring big expenses such 
as buying an electrical outlet for the duration.

>- How many CDs should I be asking for, of what type,
>from each firm? Keeping in mind that they may not send
>all the CDs I ask for, and that it is a game (for me
>at least and some (many?) others) to collect as much
>stuff ("swag") as possible at a show (so we want more
>that what seems reasonable :-) ).
Personally, I think that 3,000 total will be more than enough.

I'll see if I can find some contacts.

- Evan
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