Employment linux admin/programmer wanted

ted leslie tleslie-RBVUpeUoHUc at public.gmane.org
Fri Dec 8 00:39:53 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 18:43 -0500, Simon wrote:
> My issue with C# is that it originated from Microsoft and they control
> it. 

it is a ecma spec, they have no control over it, i mean they can steer
new versinos of it, but the language itself has nothing to do with them,
in the sense of owning it.

>  Also, unlike Java, its design goals didn't include portability,

its open source, GPL/X11, run on where every you want it (community puts
it), including nokia tablet 770, etc,etc,etc.

> at least not overtly.  I'm leery of it because of that.  I'm don't
> anticipate knowing enough about language design, VM design, and C# to
> ever make a truly informed judgement, but Microsoft's track record has

the really cool things about c#/.net/mono like reflection and remoting,
MS either bought, i.e. remoting, or just implemented modern research,
they didnt innovate much, may nothing, they bought that company that did
If MS buys sun do you stop using java? buys sony, do you go to

also if you look at the pedegree of c#, its 80% or more pascal,
X% java, Y% c++, Q% C, and maybe streetching it, 0.05% MS,
and i dont have a problem using something that MS touch if only
slightly. i even own a xbox and xbox360, but i hate microsoft, but i am
not going to let that hate ruin a career or how i entertain myself.

If you knew/hated MS as much in 89-95 as you do now, what OS would you
have used back then on your desk top? Well actually from 81-93 i used
apple prodcuts but most people did the dos windows shit.

It was looking possible that even before 2007 was over, there could be
more c# mono in SUSE then c#/.net in MS vista.

The best way to beat Microsoft is to do what ever is best to empower
yourself to kick them in the teeth.

Mono allows tonnes of MS programmers to effortously bail to Linux as
they get frustrated with MS shit over time.


> been proven, and as such, I will always approach anything originating
> there with some initial skepticism.
> --
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