The History of the World. Part 2

Stewart Sinclair stewsinc-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Thu Oct 27 15:01:16 UTC 2005

This is a little off the standard talk for this list but when someone 
ventures into the political area they're fair game.

"Fighting Might with Right" has been the classic habit of what I would 
call the broad democratic opposition.  It's results have not been good.  
It is well to remember that the US won the war against Japan because, 
among other things it had 2x the population, 10 times the industrial 
capacity, vastly greater natural resources and above all far more 
engineers and mechanics.  They also planned for that war and it's 
initiation.  Surely you're aware that Pearl Habour, Clark Field (in 
Manila) etc. was a setup.

The real task is to devise a strategy that will AQUIRE the necessary 
might for might.


psema4 wrote:

>Several things have me up in arms right now, so I apologize if my tact is that of a bulldozer.  I am nothing if not passionate.
>Rememberance Day is just over 2 weeks from now. 
>On November 11th, for myself, I will add an additional minute to also remember those who have made our modern form of society possible.  I believe it brings honour to those who gave far more than I have.  So that we could be free.
>(If you feel the same, please feel free to distribute.)
>There are so many communities in the world today that exist because of, and are entirely based on, the strength of volunteers.  You and I.   I believe it is an honourable thing for a citizen to volunteer, and we all do it in our own way.  Many have become comfortable with this, and many are learning to.
>To paraphrase some lines in the movie Pearl Harbour:
>Officer 1: Do you know what makes me think we'll win this war?
>Officer 2: No.
>Officer 1: (points to a pair of young pilots) Them;  There is nothing
>stronger than the heart of a volunteer.
>I think it is good for everyone, myself included, to be reminded that we do good unto the world by sharing our ideas, knowledge, and wisdom such as we can.
>We do that in large part, I think, because of lessons the entire world had to learn the hard way.  Twice.
>My apologies to those who might see my message as preaching to choirs, but we live in volatile times.  I needed to be reminded.  Maybe it'll help someone else too.
>Scott Elcomb
>Fight might with Right.  Your Right.
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