Multiple X Servers?!?!?!?
Paul King
pking123-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Sat Jan 8 15:11:53 UTC 2005
After an upgrade in Sarge where a ton of packages were updated, I noticed that
there were multiple X servers starting (ie, in :1, :2, :3:, :4, etc, as well as
:0). While I never knew you could do that on one machine (CTRL+ALT+Fn gets you
to the different instances of X), and while it might come in handy, right now
it is a nuisance as no window manager will begin while these are coming up.
In between instances, an error message is generated telling me that, for
example, it was trying to start a server on :0, but found one already there.
Would I like it to start one on :1? A "No" to that question simply repeats its
attempt to restart on :0 (which will fail), resulting in a repeat of the same
console message. A "Yes" starts it on :1 and generates the next error message
where it complains that it is trying to load another server on to :1, and there
is already an X server running on :1.
Apparently, this process will repeat to an instance number as high as you like.
I stopped at :5 (CTRL+ALT+F12!!!), thinking this will go on indefinitely. Then
I killed all the servers and processes associated with X, including gdm (which
was also running multiple processes).
Questions for you uber-geeks out there:
1. How do you start multiple X servers (in case I want to try it out in a more
controlled way later on)?
2. Any idea as to what scripts to check out to fix this?
Paul King=========================================================
Paul King
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