Indigo cutting back Linux magazines?

James Knott james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Aug 19 15:43:09 UTC 2005

Steve wrote:
> Maybe it's just me, but for over a month the Indigo store that USED to
> have lots of Linux magazines (ones with discs) has been nearly empty of
> Linux mags! Haven't seen a single copy of Linux Format or Linux Magazine
> for instance. Has anyone else noticed this? Don't worry, because there's
> still tons of Windows mags... and even Mac mags.
> While I'm on a rant, I was in Staples too and they even have Windows
> mags and Mac mags. No Linux mags though. I'm sure it's a coincidence...
> it's not like MS would ever pressure companies in any sort
> anti-competition way... nah. I'm just dreaming. Even Shoppers Drug Marts
> carry Windows AND Mac mags... no Linux.

Indigo seems to be intent on dumbing down the population.  Chapters used
to have a far better technical section.  When they were bought by
Indigo, I was afraid that wouldn't last and it appears I was
unfortunately right.  They also announce a while ago, that they were
planning on moving more to gifts etc., instead of being just a book
store.  Indigo should never have been allowed to buy Chapters as they've
pretty well destroyed the book business.  Years ago, I used to buy at
Coles, World's Biggest Bookstore, WH Smith, and Litchman's (never cared
for Classic Books).  Now, most of have been absorbed by Indigo and the
book selection has taken a dramatic turn for the worst.  Even PC-Maniak
is gone.  :-(
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