Indigo cutting back Linux magazines?

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Fri Aug 19 14:52:28 UTC 2005

Steve wrote:
> Maybe it's just me, but for over a month the Indigo store that USED to 
> have lots of Linux magazines (ones with discs) has been nearly empty of 
> Linux mags! Haven't seen a single copy of Linux Format or Linux Magazine 
> for instance. Has anyone else noticed this? Don't worry, because there's 
> still tons of Windows mags... and even Mac mags.

Could be they are just out of stock because they don't carry many copies 
to begin with. Could also be Heather's corporate mandate that her stores 
promote "cultural experience" and carry up to %40 gift ware i.e. all 
those candles and crap by the registers.

If the cultural experience hypothesis bears thinking about, does this 
mean that Linux users are not considered a profitable niche within 
popular culture at large? Perhaps it has something to do with that free 
operating system thing that I keep hearing about...

But seriously -- and I may be giving the chain (and others) too much 
credit with this -- if there was money to be made in mass market Linux 
magazines I would like to think that the large stores would be 
smart/greedy enough carry them.
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