IRC ????

Taavi Burns jaaaarel-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Mon Apr 25 20:48:01 UTC 2005

On 4/25/05, billt-lxSQFCZeNF4 at <billt-lxSQFCZeNF4 at> wrote:
> I don't understand what is going on here.
> If you don't want to volunteer than don't. If I get no volunteers it goes back on the queue of things to do.
> There is no point in debating the merits of doing this. I don't care if you feel it isn't worth while or not, someone once upon a time did. If they were wrong then nothing will change. But until it gets built nothing will change.

Don't worry.  I don't think I've been understanding what is going on
here either. :)

I simply mean to say that we have an IRC channel on a reasonably
stable server network which hosts other channels with similar goals,
and it is populated by our very own TLUG people and we like to discuss
Linux there.  People who are interested in chatting on IRC about Linux
are welcome to come visit us there now.

You have a similar view with the mailing list: it is currently hosted
on a stable server that is already serving other pages.  It is
unlikely to go away, is well-administered at this time, and costs us
no money.  (whee!)

If people would like to start up a separate IRC network, they should
definitely get in contact with you.  But there is no pressing _need_
to do so, as there is nothing wrong with the current solution (as far
as I know).  Perhaps there are other things that could do with
attention?  (I don't know)


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