Please change the Subject was Re:s&f

David Colebatch david-nuEF980otx7IfpyC97YFaV6hYfS7NtTn at
Tue May 25 08:10:47 UTC 2004

Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:

>While it was a cute idea, I find the Subject line sailing gracefully past
>jarring and into the realm of offensive. While I happily delete
>threads I don't want to read, would everyone be so kind as to slightly 
>modify the Subject line when they hit the reply button for my gentle eyes?
>thank you,
>PS I believe this is normally referred to as a "cats and coffee" warning?
>Whereby any email that will cause you to spill hot coffee (or otherwise
>blow it out your nose); or cause the cat to grab your legs when you
>scream, must be appropriately identified.
I do apologize for not having thought about that. ;)

I hope you didn't burn yourself with the coffee.


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