Officially OT -> Re:My fiscal responcibility...

Chris Aitken aitken-BwLjziHGQLusTnJN9+BGXg at
Sun May 23 12:29:43 UTC 2004

James Knott wrote:

> Madison Kelly wrote:
>> Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:
>>> On Sat, 22 May 2004, Lloyd Budd wrote:
>>> [...]
> As I said before, I don't doubt some people need to believe in 
> fiction.  However, you take any religion, and you'll have a hard time 
> finding facts in the real world to back it up.  Faith does not make 
> reality. And far to many people in this world take religious belief as 
> reality and use their favourite fiction, to impose their beliefs on 
> others, and when taken to extreme, you have the situation in the 
> middle east etc.

Religion is destroying my family. My wife is fundamentalist Christian. 
She won't even call it religion. She says that all other faiths are 
"religion" whereas her faith is just the truth. You know like it's the 
truth that we're all going to Hell just like it's the truth I'm typing 
this email. Her friends can't talk about anything without straining it 
through their Christian seive first. My seven year-old daughter looks to 
one of my wife's friends as some king of scientist. She asks him, "Is 
Hallowe'en the devil's birthday?". "Why, yes it is", he affirms. I 
thought my wife was a little less loopy. We're grocery shopping and I'm 
trying to avoid foods with carcinogens like sodium nitrate. My wife, 
fresh from church in the morning and a private fundamentalist meeting in 
the afternoon asks, "Won't blessing the food take care of that?".

> You want to believe fairy tales?  Fine, just keep them to yourself and 
> quit claiming it's "God's" will" etc.

I have problem with people using faith to guide their actions but it's 
the certainty that worries me.



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