Static IP

Moniz Family john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Thu May 6 21:27:07 UTC 2004

talexb-SBdzbUvMQDunS0EtXVNi6w at wrote:

>On Wed, 5 May 2004, hui xu wrote:
>>Thanks for everybody's help. I have checked web, but I got a new questions. It seems that I have to use telephone line +modem+filter to build a hi-speed internet with static ip. If what I am understanding is right, I got the following questions:
>>1. how can a telephone achieve 300M/800K speed?
>Well, to be pedantic, it's the copper that's achieving that speed, not the
>phone itself. And I think the numbers are 3Mbps/800Kbps at the top end.
>300Mbps would be lovely but I think I'd want to see some proof.

3Mbps is not at all the top end, that's just what's being offered now 
for internet DSL service (maybe that's what you meant). DSL is capable 
of much higher speeds, but with reduced reach.

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