Pen and pad - The city should get digital [OT]
James Knott
james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Wed Feb 18 23:13:34 UTC 2004
Sidney Shapiro wrote:
>>Thinking on the topic I cannot see the benefits of going digital
>>outweighing the costs at this time, relative to our issues. Police
> are
>>quite digital. Many cop cars seem to be equipped with laptops.
>>Lloyd D Budd
> Funny you should mention that Lloyd, the policeman did return to his car
> and was typing on his laptop for a while, I assume he was entering
> details of what I had told him into it. He did call out pertinent facts
> over the radio as we were discussing the matter. I know it was a civic
> duty, and I'm not complaining about the time I spent, I just wish
> everyone was a stenographer or we had voice dictation that actually
> works. I just can't wait for the star trek era. (Well, without the
> nuclear war of course)
I suspect it may have to do with presenting evidence in court. The
police would need a secure, tamperproof method of recording the info,
that will stand up in court.
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