the problem with Linux?

Fraser Campbell fraser-eicrhRFjby5dCsDujFhwbypxlwaOVQ5f at
Tue Apr 13 19:31:38 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 13:18, Rob Sutherland wrote:

> Not to sound like a Heartless Opportunist(tm), but the reason I use
> Redhat/Fedora now is because, at least in North America, it has, IMHO, the
> highest level of name recognition in potential clients.

I can understand that but in my experience it's not that important, also I'm 
surprised that your clients would know what Fedora is.

We have a lot of older Redhat machines "out there" and the need for them to be 
upgraded is crystal clear.  When we broach the Debian switch subject with 
clients it's usually a short conversation and they have no qualms it.  We 
have one client that did stay on the Redhat path but even they are starting 
to add Debian to the mix here and there.

I expected more resistance but people really don't seem to care.  Once you 
explain the differences (little/none from user perspective) and the 
advantages that Debian offers (not everyone might agree) the conversation 
concludes in favour of Debian.

> The reason I started using it originally was simply that it was easier to
> install than Slackware.

Funny, the reason I started using Debian was that it was easier to upgrade 
than Slackware ;-)

Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at>       
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada                               Debian GNU/Linux
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