ADSL connection with Woody

gilles fourchet gilles.fourchet-zzOxFVvAfJPQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Sep 20 19:00:27 UTC 2003


I am struggling with my ADSL connection for a couple a
weeks now and I have reach the limit of my imagination.
 So I would need your help.

I had Rogers before and switched to an ADSL provider
(EOL).  I red a bunch of docs and HOWTOs:  bottom line,
as per what I red, it should be straightforward.  Based
on that, I just installed the PPPoE package (Roaring
Penguin) as well as the PPPoEconf one (I am using
Debian Woody and PPPoEconf is the equivalent of
ADSL-Setup for the other distros).  I plug the ADSL
modem and start PPPoEconf: pppoe, Timeout Waiting for
PADO packets.  Well.  I call my provider which confirms
that everything is okay for them (I even brought the
modem them to be tested.  Of course, it was fine). 
They open a ticket with Bell, which says that
everything is okay from their network to my house. 
Perfect.  So the problem is in my house.  I ask Bell to
come and, everything is okay in the house as well.

Hum.  So the problem is with the kernel (so far, I was
using the standard 2.8.18 kernel provided with Woody). 
I download the version 2.4.22, I use a recent machine
(my firewall is an old 486 with NE2000 NIC) to be sure
that the hardware is okay and I ensure that I select in
the kernel all the PPP options as a module.  Once
again, timeout, no PADO packets.  From there, I tried
to load manually the module ppp_synctty but it did not
change anything.

As it seems that the configuration of ADSL is simple,
the documentation missed an important information: it
is simple as long as the system is correctly
configured.  Obviously, mine is not and I have not
found any documentation which explains what to do.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,

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