[Fwd: [u-u] SCO event :|]
Robert Brockway
robert-5LEc/6Zm6xCUd8a0hrldnti2O/JbrIOy at public.gmane.org
Wed Sep 17 17:03:16 UTC 2003
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Mike Kallies wrote:
> If anyone does anything though, they'd have to carefully think through
> the responses which SCO may give. I think SCO has some weight to their
> arguments... just enough that it makes it very difficult to defend the
To be honest I'm yet to see any weight to their arguments. They've
already been caught out once with the code the showed at the roadshow.
It is clear they were displaying the code as an example of code they
claimed was appropriated into Linux but when it was shown after only a few
hours by the OSS movement that the code was available under the BSD
licence, they engaged in some revisionist history and claimed they had
never shown the code as an example of code they said was in Linux but just
as an example of the code review they were doing (paraphriasing). How
weak is that. It's the type of argument cooked up by someone who has been
caught out lying and has no where to turn.
> Linux position in the form of convenient media sound-bites.
They may well have well packages sound bites themselves but I believe they
will contain only misrepresentations and half truths (as well as the odd
outright lie).
In the end it is only the court decisions which matter at this point. I
think even the "court of public opinion" isn't too important right now.
Most people have no idea this is alll going on, even in IT. Of those who
do know, a certain percentage don't care.
And now my beliefs...
I believe that no SCO code is contained in the kernel (except that which
they have previously released under the BSD or GPL licences). I also
believe that the "powers that be" in SCO have known this for sometime. I
believe that SCO will lose to IBM on both their suite against Big Blue and
on IBM's patent counter-suite. If IBM wins the patent suite there
probably won't be much of SCO left when this is all done. Following a SCO
loss on the first suite a class-action of Linux consultants will probably
start (to recover lost earnings). Who knows how SCO will be divided up -
so many people to pay, so little money.
I think that Darl McBride and other senior people in SCO will be
investigated for fraud following these events.
I also think children are the future.
Robert Brockway B.Sc. email: robert-5LEc/6Zm6xCUd8a0hrldnti2O/JbrIOy at public.gmane.org, zzbrock at uqconnect.net
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