[Fwd: [u-u] SCO event :|]

Mike Kallies mgjk-cpI+UMyWUv9BDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Sep 17 16:22:17 UTC 2003

James Knott wrote:
>> I have a Caldera Open Linux t-shirt somewhere.  I haven't worn it since
>> this fiasco started.
> I have a couple of Caldera penguins on my desk.  Perhaps I could throw 
> them at the SCO people!  ;-)

I was just looking at the Internet Way back machine and wow, 
www.caldera.com is an interesting read.

In December, they even proudly displayed a link to the following article.


IT Week: Taking the SCO name has encouraged some observers to suppose 
you are going back to Unix at the expense of Linux. Is that a fair 

Darl McBride: It's not fair. We are more committed to Linux than ever 
before. I understand the perception that we're going back to the 1980s, 
but when we looked under the stones for hidden assets, we found that the 
Caldera name had very limited reach and only into the US. But we sell to 
86 countries with multiple brands and SCO reaches into all of them. We 
have to ask ourselves, are we trying to cater for the guys at Slashdot 
[a popular Web site among Linux enthusiasts] or the larger business 

Just imagine rephrasing the question in the meeting and comparing 
today's answer to the answer from last year.

If anyone does anything though, they'd have to carefully think through 
the responses which SCO may give.  I think SCO has some weight to their 
arguments... just enough that it makes it very difficult to defend the 
Linux position in the form of convenient media sound-bites.


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