B.I.O.S. to lock out non-Windows code ?

Anton Markov anton-F0u+EriZ6ihBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Oct 8 02:23:12 UTC 2003

Can you please explain this vision of 'abundant currency' in political 
and economical terms? (seriously)

Be sure to read Peter's reply first please.

Hugh Reilly wrote:

> DRM is the police-state on your computer.
> The most significant factor w.r.t. software (and in fact any 
> intellectual property in the digital age) as an "economic product" is 
> that its marginal cost approaches zero. Ie., once the "product" is 
> market-ready, it can be reproduced ad-infinitum, virtually (ha ha) for 
> free.
> Which means that it is characteristically "abundant", rather than 
> "scarce" like traditional economic products made out of atoms. But the 
> money that we are using is "scarce" money. Since many people 
> understand the distinction between scarce money and abundant economic 
> products at a gut level, many are quite hesitant about spending their 
> hard-earned (scarce) dollars for (abundant) digital products like 
> software.
> I believe the real solution is to develop an "abundant" currency that 
> can be used for such products, which will comprise an ever-increasing 
> portion of the GNP, much as industrial products supplanted agriculture 
> as the principle area of economic activity.

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