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JoeHill joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Wed Nov 26 22:10:33 UTC 2003

On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 16:38:03 -0500
Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at> wrote:

> You're correct.  A lot of people seem to prefer clicking around in GUIs until 
> they get it right rather than understanding it and getting it right in the 
> first place ;-)  For cron GUIs there's kcron which provides a reasonable 
> enough interface, I'm sure gnome must have an equivalent as well.

What's this seething prejudice against GUI's? Yes, as I've stated, the CLI is a
much more precise and, in a lot of cases, better interface for configuration.
It's best, in certain cases, to see what's goin' on in the background, esp as
Kieth pointed out with server functions such as DNS. However, GUI's *can* be a
Good Thing, as the Mac has proved beyond doubt.

I believe that Linux can and will eventually develop a GUI that is as powerful
and extensible as the Mac interface, and there is a future for Linux on the home
desktop. Why would that be such a terrible thing? And if it makes it easier for
the home desktop user to configure "scheduled tasks" through a GUI, why not?
Perhaps Webmin isn't always the best sol'n, but nor is crontab, given a certain
set of circumstances (user experience, function, purpose, etc.).

And hey, as *someone* pointed out, intelligent self interest is a positive
thang, and it is in my best interest to have more people using Linux on the home
desktop, so I never have to fork over the bucks for a Mac to avoid using that
POS Windows OS that hangs and crashes and infects everything it touches. So I's
gonna keep pushin' the 'ease of use' GUI approach, where appropriate, so I can
have my cake and eat it all up too! Of course, you can feel free to pop me one
when it's *inappropriate*, as you quite rightly did with suggesting cron-apt
instead of Webmin. I learned, he learned, it's a community/mailing list dynamic,

JoeHill ++ ICQ # 280779813
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