[GTALUG] Does anyone have experience with Tuxedo OS?

Kevin Cozens kevin at ve3syb.ca
Fri Sep 27 11:31:56 EDT 2024

On 2024-09-24 11:02, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
>> From: Kevin Cozens via talk <talk at gtalug.org>
>> Does this mean the rest of the distros are going to be switching from
>> PulseAudio to Pipewire in the (not too distant) future?
> I think that they are or have.

Wonderful. Here we go again(?).

>> I hope the transition
>> goes better than it did when we went from ALSA to PA. When PA was first being
>> introduced it broke the previously working sound system on my desktop for
>> almost 3 years.
> Do you know why it broke?

Not a clue. Sound worked perfectly when my system only used ALSA. After an 
update and PulseAudio appeared on the scene I lost my audio. Some time later 
another update partially restored audio but it was a long time after that 
before it was fully working once again.

> All change has a chance of breaking things.  In theory, this change has a
> low chance.

I hope so. I don't know if PA was considered low risk or not when it was 
first being introduced.

> If you care, try a distro that has made the transition and see how it
> works.  Then report any errors.

Good idea. I don't want my sound system breaking again the next time I do an 
update/upgrade and find it is now using Pipewire. I'll be looking in to 
whether this is year another layer on top of PA, on top of ALSA, etc, or a 
complete replacement for the existing sound drivers.



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