[GTALUG] Recommendation for a media center front end?

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Sun Sep 8 17:03:20 EDT 2024

On Sun, Sep 8, 2024 at 4:26 PM Ron / BCLUG via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:

> D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote on 2024-09-07 22:55:
> > I hate top posting.
> Likewise.
> This form of poor etiquette is encouraged on mobile devices when replies
> are quoted entirely, then folded behind an accordion-like expanding section.

As I have found myself noting more and more these days;
My kids despise using email for anything not work related, and my grandkids
don't know what email is.
There are multiple reasons for this, and this thread hits upon one of the
worst culprits.

As a medium for interactive conversations, mail just sucks. It's now mainly
used for one way blasts of information, roughly a tenth of which is
actually useful to me. Much is spam, but even more is recognizable stuff
from which I'm loath to unsubscribe lesty I actually miss that useful one
in a hundred. As a result I check email far less frequently than I used to.

As so many better alternatives exist right now, interactive use of email
has IMO devolved into the domain of old farts running on inertia and those
without easy access to the alternatives.
Slack and Teams (and their FOSS doppelganger, MatterMost) have taken over
at most businesses and online platforms for personal use abound, from Slash
to Reddit to Discord and well beyond.

GTALUG already has a lightly-used Discord server
<https://discord.gg/NxNrveQh> and if demand existed we could probably set
up Nextcloud Talk for clat mode as we now use for video conferences.

Most chat systems have quoting, threading, diversionary conversations (like
this one) handled nicely. Quoting functions generally are opt-in and
encourage limiting what you quote to the stuff directly relevant to your
new contribution.

The "forums" component of my current mail is now down to GTALUG and ICANN.
Everything else interactive has moved elsewhere, where etiquette issues are
relegated to content and not how much historical crap you have to delete
from a message before sending.

- Evan
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