Andrew Heagle andrew at logaan.com
Thu Jul 25 11:43:02 EDT 2024

On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 11:20 AM Evan Leibovitch via talk <talk at gtalug.org>

> Most "memorable" domains are an outright waste of money. Especially ones
> that are more cute or curious than memorable.
> Plus, remember that you can't own a domain, you're just renting it. Miss
> the rent and it goes to someone else, possibly a rival.
> In the era of first location-aware search engines and now AI-powered
> queries (not to mention QR codes and URL shorteners), domains are simply an
> inferior way to be found on the Internet. These days the non-vanity value
> of most domains seems to be shrinking as they're simply less necessary. But
> I guess the vanity factor cannot be dismissed.
> - Evan

There is a tld called .richardli. Its owned by Hong Kong born, Canadian
business guy Richard Li (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Li). Yes, he
bought a vanity TLD just for himself. I guess his email address is
me at richardli? I believe this is the only vanity TLD made.

When ICANN opened up to allow new strings, I think the cost to
register/apply for a TLD string was $250,000 US 10 years ago, plus
partnering with a Registrar and other things.

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