[GTALUG] War Story : Acer Laptop with LFS OS

ac ac at main.me
Mon Aug 19 07:26:01 EDT 2024


Hopefully this post will help someone somewhere and save a few days of their
lives (which they will never get back)

ISSUE : Suddenly and at boot time my very old and trusty laptop, which I know
backwards and have changed many components on, over the years, including even
at the component level, started flashing a weird and very unexpected ^[ set
of characters at boot time.

If you are allergic to long winded drivel you can safely stop reading here and
scroll all the way down to the last para;
for this particular issue and it's solution.

If you are still reading, here follows what you may probably do (and what I
actually did) - feedback and comments are most welcome :)

So, habits. New BAD habits. use Google and 10 years of accumelated Fu.

Gots to be that I am p0wned, and definately not just p0wned BUT actually
p0wN3D, must be nation state or someone that knows what I know. but how? the
resources are so very thin at those levels and there has to be a springboard.
(we still need to make a name for that, or maybe there is a name and I just
don't know aboot it as I haven't been on irc for over 15 years :) )

switch to new clean device, update all externals, update all passwords,
planetary. run through all systems, logs, all the usual stuff, weird
activity, weird network activity (uhm Donald and ethanol soaked dude?
seriously?) - anyway, dump data, super paranoid, block half of 
North America (the island bits, you know who you are :) All of Korea, China,
India, Russia and everything with a pulse...

So, that day well spent, back to the Acer device... lemme see who this was
and how I can waste a day, or more, of their lives and see how they like bad
medicine. With REVENGE in mind, a spare week and few retirement zero's tucked
away safely i start the next wasted day...

Find the entry point. First step setup spare device, copy everything. But
I do not have spare model laptop, so in this case the plan is to work on same
frame, on copies ( I even have extra mainboard, so am good to go, or so I

On the duplicated device flash bios. same issue. At this point I made a very
basic rookie mistake. Instead of following the frame inputs I jumped to disk.
Impatience, usually a thing of youth, but I think it is something that is and
has been growing in culture for a decade or so now, EVERYWHERE. We are all
getting much less tolerant and much less patient. We are in the drive trough
of live and we want it now. not just now, now. and fsck.vfat you if you do
not think like me, look like me or even if I just do not 'feel' you.

One can get lost, very easily, on disks and OS. So, on disk, the issue is much
more prominent. 


(IT, the clown kid killing thing) is here. The HORROR is real. Terror, chaos
and consternation, I struggle to kill it. it is under my bed. It is intermittently 
sending inputs to kernel as me, form my keyboard. I spend lots of time and
lots of effort but I simply cannot find any reason, in code, anywhere, how
this is happening. I read a lot of code (btw - we, all of us, should be so
grateful to lgpl, shared libraries and the code we all use, even today, even
when some of the dude's are dead already, they are remembered, in code,
forever) wow, I have typed a lot, let's end this?

this is the last para, so the solution to this problem is :

My wife's hair dryer 

(after about a minute confirmed the issue)

Over the years the high quality Acer keyboard was replaced only once, about 5
years ago but the new keyboard seems to have had dust (or gunk?) buildup on
the bottom left side ctrl and one or two other keys. These would become
intermittently stuck and produced chaos, horror and terror.

If your keyboard is a few years old, even if you clean and wipe it, gunk and
dust can become trapped. 

Solution: Take out, open the keyboard and clean properly.


yes, I am an idiot. but I am sure that there are many other idiots out there.
In fact I happen to be convinced that idiots are now the majority and we
RULE!  :)

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