[GTALUG] PS: Old and New Habits...

CAREY SCHUG sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net
Sun Aug 11 00:29:46 EDT 2024

In practice, most places did not give out both George and george as local email accounts, so it just meant outsiders could address to george at company.com or George at company.com, but insiders HAD to use the correct capitalization or it would not go through.


> On 08/10/2024 11:26 PM CDT CAREY SCHUG <sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net> wrote:
> I remember in the early days when email was primarily in-house, that IBM's system (or maybe Cisco's) WAS case sensitive, that is, George was a different account than George. and georgE would match neither.  I don't recall if or how that was resolved when the internet was added, I kind of think that you had an internal email and an external email, so only one of George or George got to use that on the internet email. 
> Does anybody remember if I am totally confused, right, or something close?
> <pre>--Carey</pre>

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