[GTALUG] Landline and Bell revisited.

James Knott james.knott at jknott.net
Thu Sep 7 15:34:59 EDT 2023

On 2023-09-07 15:13, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
> I have fibre in my neighborhood (less than 20 years old), and yet I 
> still have a supported POTS line wired through my house that works 
> with old phones.
> So we know Bell is able to supply a D-to-A facility in at least some 
> modern locations. If Karen's new location cannot do this then IMO 
> they're breaking backwards capability. Maybe it's Bell, maybe it's the 
> wiring in her building, but it's not Karen. In any case this situation 
> arguably contravenes Canadian laws on accessibility IMO unless Bell 
> can find an all-digital solution that addresses Karen's needs.

Yep, this is a point I have been making.  Bell will have fibre to 
somewhere in your neighbourhood and copper from there.  This has been 
done for years.  What difference do you expect between this and a copper 
pair all the way back to the CO?

It still goes back to how connections are made and the bandwidth etc..  
Bell has to provide a standard toll quality circuit.  That used to be 
over copper all the way from the CO.  Now it could be from a terminal in 
a home, as I have with Rogers.  Either way, it's still a toll quality 
connection.  Here's an article about the G.711 CODEC, which describes 
what's expected from a phone circuit, no matter who provides it and 
how.  Even ancient analog systems provided similar.

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