[GTALUG] ot: sort of, is it really impossible to get real cable anymore?

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Wed Nov 29 16:12:32 EST 2023

Hi Karen,

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 12:44 PM Karen Lewellen <klewellen at shellworld.net>

> While I do have personal and professional interest in Boston and Detroit, that
> you are getting Buffalo might make this a worth while experiment, even if
> it just gets me through the Holidays.

I do occasionally find this of value.

Buffalo stations know that they attract viewers from Toronto and usually
their weather reports include the golden horseshoe. When the recent
incident happened at the Rainbow Bridge, the US cable networks depended
upon local Buffalo reporters to provide coverage.

Can you give me a specific loop model, and a from where?

The most popular design resembles a flat rectangular sheet of plastic, with
a coax cable coming out of it that attaches directly to the tuner. Some of
the more elaborate models include a small signal amplifier that plugs into
the wall. In my experience, sometimes the amplifier helps, sometimes it
does not. The design is pretty standard and most of the brands are
unrecognizable so it's hard for me to

The item is too niche for most mainstream television stores to stock. Most
of the companies that specialize in over-the-air signals, such as "The
Antenna Guys" (http://theantennaguys.com/), make their money installing
large antennas on rooftops or apartment balconies. So I would suggest your
best bet comes from online stores that appear to stock quite a few.

Here are some choices:

The best-rated flat panel one (from sites that do reviews) is in stock at
Amazon for $73:

An unusual cylinder-shape, that I haven't seen before, claims high range,
and is available for $26 at Amazon with a $5 off coupon:

There are some less-expensive flat-panel ones on Amazon but they don't
include a stand and you'd need to stick them to the window. Here is one
example, $18:

- Evan
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