[GTALUG] Linux Unicorns

Alvin Starr alvin at netvel.net
Fri Nov 24 11:21:35 EST 2023

On 2023-11-24 09:50, ac via talk wrote:
> I have been wondering about tech unicorns and Linux.
> WARNING : do not read beyond this point if you are not at least
> somewhat bored. - reading drivel is a choice, and this does at least
> have a warning label :)
[snip to keep those with short attention spans reading]
> If anyone read up to here it would be much appreciated if you could
> tell me that I cannot make a tech unicorn, as this will then motivate
> me for the next few years while I get to the gluing of this shiny
> horn to this currently very unwilling horse :)
Possibly you could capture a unicorn.

from tvtropes.org:
> One of the most archetypal and well-known traits of theUnicorn 
> <https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Unicorn>is its affinity 
> for virgin women. In legends where unicorns were characterized as 
> either fierce and untamable or as incredibly elusive, a virgin maiden 
> was said to be the only one who could tame the beast or draw it out of 
> hiding. In works where unicorns are epitomes of benevolence and 
> purity, virgin maidens are the only ones the creatures allow close to 
> them — or, in certain cases, to ride them.

So you just need to find a virgin.
Your looking for a tech-unicorn...
A Tech virgin?

That is going to be hard to find these days.
I once heard someone describing the fact that once upon a time the chair 
was a new technology.
So this opens a whole discussion about how virginal you need to be to 
attract a unicorn.

Alvin Starr                   ||   land:  (647)478-6285
Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
alvin at netvel.net               ||
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