[GTALUG] Linux Unicorns

ac ac at main.me
Fri Nov 24 09:50:06 EST 2023

I have been wondering about tech unicorns and Linux.

WARNING : do not read beyond this point if you are not at least
somewhat bored. - reading drivel is a choice, and this does at least
have a warning label :)

Does anyone on the list actually know (as in personal experience)
whether/which (or even if) most tech unicorns are Linux based or with a
Linux origin story? 

Of course the very obvious next wonderation would be which distro these
peeps used? With FB, I would guess Slack (but maybe Debian??) 
Personally, early 2000's sometime I moved off slack and onto lfs, but i
love most distro's equally - some are just easier than others tho,
anyway, unicorns...

I am thinking about making a tech unicorn, I have not yet tried making
one b4, but how hard can it really be?

unicorns are horse like? horses used to be wild, at some point in time at 
least but nowadays horses all belong to someone. 
Even wild horses belong to the gov (on public land anyway)  and nobody 
can just go and catch a wild horse, it just is not legal/allowed or
even acceptable. Tech unicorns all like to think that they all belong
to someone, but well, imo we are still pre 1961 in terms of horse
legislation anyway, so right now there is still a possibility of rusling up 
a tech unicorn, if one be so inclined.

all you have to do is make something really cool and universally useful
that operates in an entirely new fashion or method (and does not
infringe on 5million different software patents) - incase you are
wondering, I have other weird thoughts as well, like the advantages of 
being able to restart drivers without PID collapse (like in minix or
micro kernel env) and combining this with re-loops to use for machine
learning (i tried this already in the early 2010's btw and yes, it
did work) So, you see, I am quite nuts (which helps) 

If anyone read up to here it would be much appreciated if you could
tell me that I cannot make a tech unicorn, as this will then motivate
me for the next few years while I get to the gluing of this shiny
horn to this currently very unwilling horse :)


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