[GTALUG] Favorite desktop manager?

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jul 31 09:19:17 EDT 2023

On Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 03:51:26PM -0400, Michael Hill via talk wrote:
>  Maybe they just decided to stop living in the past. It's not for everyone,
> but it works for some people.

Just because something has been around a long time doesn't mean it isn't
the better way to do something.

I remember when windows 8 betas came out, I tried it out.  I could not
figure out how to close any of their new "metro" apps.  I had to go look
it up.  Who would have guessed you dragged the top of the program down
to the bottom of the screen to close it.  Yeah brilliant design for an
OS used mostly on machines with a mouse, not a touch screen.  That's the
same idea the gnome developers have.  Do everything new ways with no
visual clues as to what you can do where and drop what people are used to.
Strangely that was of course the first time microsoft had totally
changed the UI of windows without giving you an option to revert to the
old interface.  Unfortunate that they chose to do that at the same time
they made their worst interface ever.

They could have started a new desktop project and done whatever they
wanted.  Making gnome 3 totally nothing like gnome 2 on the other hand
made no sense.  It was not an upgrade of the previous version.

Len Sorensen

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