[GTALUG] Red Hat Paywall...

BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Thu Jul 6 07:04:07 EDT 2023

Evan Leibovitch via talk wrote on 2023-07-04 03:39:

> My take:
>  2. IBM doesn't really give a damn about Alma and Rocky, they're just
>     incidental casualties. The #1 and maybe only target of the
>     subscription-wall action is IBM's longtime arch-enemy Oracle, which
>     may now be forced to actually maintain its own distro

This was one of my first thoughts too - Oracle will no longer be able to 
"leech" off of RedHat, which is rather delicious considering Oracle's 

>  4. I see an opportunity for SUSE which maintains both an
>     enterprise-Linux focus and good community relations. Are they up to
>     it? As a longshot maybe even Oracle could try to seize the moment
>     and try a charm offensive to attract a community... but that's
>     unlikely considered its many burned bridges (Solaris, OpenOffice, Java)

That's an interesting idea - the rise of SUSE / OpenSuse. I kinda like 
the idea - I don't have personal experience with it, but it seems 

Seems the whole English speaking world (of podcasters and YouTubers) has 
a bit of a blind spot to SUSE and they probably deserve more attention.

Good call, hope it pans out.

As for Oracle, they have free / cheap cloud hosting for tiny instances, 
so maybe they'll try a charm offensive, however even with a free 
tiny-VPS, they don't seem to have much mind share.

I can't really see this.  Charm & Oracle don't belong in the same sentence.


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