[GTALUG] Red Hat Paywall...

BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Thu Jul 6 06:56:57 EDT 2023

Giles Orr via talk wrote on 2023-07-04 18:09:

> But for the last several years systemd has been rock-steady, and once
> you wrap your head around the basics, it's a LOT easier to use than
> maintaining those damn /etc/rc.N/  folders.  At least that's been my
> experience.

My experience too - systemd is fine and is much easier to maintain, 
better documented, and has more features.

And, since it's used in all the major Linux distros, I feel reasonably
comfortable that it's thoroughly tested.

If I reject systemd via a "boutique" distro, what else am I giving up?

Devuan - is the team there large enough to keep up with the 
ever-changing security issues, features, etc?

If systemd were anathema to someone, shouldn't they move to BSD, where a 
large and experienced team exists?

Thought I'd add my 2c


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