[GTALUG] wired headset suggestions?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Mon Oct 10 17:51:09 EDT 2022

Hi there,
Actually with this pair, the USB plug in is not the deal breaker. its the 
lack of any impedance information, and the sensitivity.
Wish I could share a link to  some fine articles, there is one on the 
headset direct site for example, that explain the sound quality between 
analog  and digital  processing quality.
to be sure, the setup would likely be problematic too, but  what makes 
these far from suitable for me is the reported sensitivity.  Generally 
sensitivity should be higher than 100.
Thanks for the suggestion though, if the headset were  less technically 
risky, they might be a go.

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022, Giles Orr via talk wrote:

> Hi Kare.
> On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 at 02:27, Karen Lewellen via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:
>> Hi folks and happy thanksgiving if you are celebrating.
>> Given others might spend far more time in  on line meetings than myself,
>> plus the ideas here tend to be workable, I thought I would toss this
>> question out here.
>> There are some firm details for me, rather a few  strictly digital, or
>> wireless headphones actually can make me dizzy.  part of my auditory
>> processing  condition.
>> so, seeking wired headset ideas,  with a boom mic, think for  a laptop,
>> just plug in no
>> pairing required.  I understand plantronics now Poly?, are a fine brand,
>> but realize there may be others.
>> Even if older, especially since my search is not producing options in a
>> safe sensitivity range, either too low, as in less than 100, or too high,
>> well above 110.
>> I prefer impedance in the 32 range as well.
>> Any model ideas?
> These may not suit you for a number of possible reasons - not least of
> which is that they plug into a USB port rather than the headphone
> port, and I don't fully understand your requirements.  But take a look
> if that's not a deal-breaker:
> https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B000UXZQ42/ - Logitech H390
> I mention them because I bought them recently and I've been very happy
> with them.  I've had to do a lot of audio chats at work and was tired
> of using the microphone in the computer, so I found these.  I chose
> them because they're well reviewed and surprisingly cheap (currently
> $36, although it fluctuates).  Some comments from personal experience:
> - they "just worked" when plugged into a Mac, and also Linux (Fedora).
> - the volume control on the chord works well on Mac - not sure if it
> works on Linux although I think it does
> - the ear pads sit ON you ears, rather than AROUND them: I find they
> start to get a bit uncomfortable around the hour mark (which isn't too
> bad, considering)
> - given the price, the sound quality is quite good - everyone I've
> asked on the other end of my calls says I sound better
> - on pretty much every OS, plugging in a headset audio jack
> automatically over-rides the built-in speakers ... this wasn't
> initially true with the USB headset for either Mac or Linux, although
> after some futzing both now do so (just saying: setup may be
> problematic)
> I hope this helps.
> -- 
> Giles
> https://www.gilesorr.com/
> gilesorr at gmail.com
> ---
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