[GTALUG] Getting external IP

Mauro Souza thoriumbr at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 16:29:14 EST 2018

ifconfig.me and icanhazip.com works the same.

On Jan 27, 2018 19:25, "Giles Orr via talk" <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:

> On 27 January 2018 at 20:03, Don Tai via talk <talk at gtalug.org> wrote:
>> I have wanted to know how to do this but never had the reason. My first
>> inclination is to write a shell script in a loop. You can control the
>> timing and save results to a file if necessary. Here's the command that
>> seems to work
>> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/22615/how-can-i-get
>> -my-external-ip-address-in-a-shell-script
>> dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
>> It seems to work. I usually check my ip using a google search. For a faster response you could find the RoBeUs dns server.
>> Post up your script if you write one.
>> Don
>> On 27 January 2018 at 14:46, William Park via talk <talk at gtalug.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I recently switched to CarryTel, and I'm getting disconnected quite
>>> often.
>>> So, I want to monitor my external IP, every minute.  For this, I usually
>>> use <http://myexternalip.com/raw>, but it has rate limit.
>>> What site do you use to get your external IP?  I want to round-robin
>>> through these.  Google gives you this when you search "what is my ip",
>>> but it's difficult to dig it out.  Simpler, the better.
> There are a lot of services like this.  Here's one I've used in the past:
>      $ curl ifconfig.co
>      xx.yyy.zz.www
> It returns just an IP address, which is very useful (and low bandwidth).
> I have no idea if it has a rate limit.
> Your problem if you're round-robin-ing several such sources will be
> consistency.  Building on a previously mentioned idea, I'd suggest writing
> a function for each source that returns only the IP (or whatever
> information you're interested in).
> So ... is the problem disconnection?  The duration of the disconnection?
> The fact that your IP changes?  I personally wouldn't be concerned if my IP
> changed (I don't run externally accessible services), so long as I have a
> connection.  So I'd be logging a never-ending ping to some source like
> (Google DNS) to determine how long and how often I was disconnected
> for.  (I'm not really looking for answers to these questions, just
> suggesting things to think about.)
> --
> Giles
> https://www.gilesorr.com/
> gilesorr at gmail.com
> ---
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