Error (18625): 12170 extraneous bytes after segment

Russell Reiter rreiter91-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Jul 17 13:11:34 UTC 2014

This is kind of odd. Is it related to an OCR scan of a document?
Here's how it happened.

I started dropbox manually. As a practice I don't start it
automatically on login. In this instance it starts on command and I
get my prompt back, but then this happens.

thorn at LOKI:~$ /usr/bin/dropbox start
Starting Dropbox...Dropbox isn't running!
thorn at LOKI:~$ Error (18625): 12170 extraneous bytes after segment
Error (18625): 12170 extraneous bytes after segment

What I see on the net about this error is that it relates to embedded
media in PDF files, usually sound content.  I don't understand the
parsing error as this was just a dropbox file transfer.

What I had done was use tesseract and hocr2pdf to create a text
searchable PDF from a scanned document. I did this yesterday as a
process in the background and sent the output to my dropbox folder.
It's about 30 full pages and takes somewhere between a half hour to an
hour to render.Today when I synced I got the error.

Also it didn't start instantly. I got the prompt back and switched to
an application and when I went back to the terminal it was outputting
this line over and over again.

Does anybody have any idea what's going on?

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