Does KDE really suck this much?

Walter Dnes waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at
Fri Dec 27 22:52:43 UTC 2013

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 04:02:27AM -0500, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote

> I've not used KDE, but your report surprises me.  What's the tough
> part?  I've always assumed that each of the major desktop evironments
> were serviceable, if not awe inspiring.

  Lately, the KDE developers have gone nuts with "Semantic Desktop",
where every file in your user directory is indexed in MySql.  Yes!!!  A
database on a desktop.  And recent threads in the Gentoo mailing list
talk about email data loss in Kmail.

> I'm not a master of desktops.  I've always (i.e. for 30 years) just
> used what the OS provided me.  I find tweaking to take too much effort

  The Microsoft disease is spreading to the linux world.  Why the bleep
should every release require you to learn a new desktop paradigm, and
re-do all your settings?  In the case of Microsoft, I understand the
greed motive...
* make a brand new desktop UI paradigm for each major release
* sell expensive instruction manuals and courses for how to use
  the new desktop UI
* profit

  But that should not exist in linux.  I've used ICEWM for several years
now.  There's a helpful launchbar at the bottom that auto-hides and
stays out of the way until I need it.  See my sig.

Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications
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