2.4GHz working, but 5GHz not working -- strange dmesg error

William Park opengeometry-FFYn/CNdgSA at public.gmane.org
Sun Dec 15 18:27:08 UTC 2013

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 08:55:59PM -0500, Bob Copeland wrote:
> This warning seems to indicate that the configured channel is not
> supported by the device, but the driver tells the upper layers the
> supported channels, so it's more likely a kernel bug.  And, code in
> this area was changed recent-ish when mac80211 was reworked for VHT
> channel support (e.g. git show 675a0b049).  Since it used to work once
> upon a time, git bisect might be an option if you feel like tracking
> it down yourself.

After much trials, I'm back on 5GHz.  It seems that my driver doesn't
like certain combinations of channel and its width.  Eg.

    - channel=36 and width=20/40 work -- I now remember this was what
      worked before.

    - channel=44 doesn't work at all -- router recently changed to this
      channel.  The setting on the router was "auto" channel and "20/40"

    - channel=165 doesn't work at all.

    - most other channels (didn't try all) will work with width=40 only.

So, I'm now using channel=161 and width=40.  I choose 161 because it has
stronger transmit power (21dbm vs 14dbm).  There are 2 walls, 1 mirror,
and 1 metal case in between, so signal is bouncing all over the place.
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